Healing health wealth strength wellness flexibility

If Its Not Thick Like This, Its Not Pure RSO

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Someone reported this post… must have been cramping their style by informing you guys what to look for, so i'm putting it up again! Please share this post to spread awareness!!! They cant stop all of us!!! 🌱 I hate that people are getting taken advantage of and paying top dollar for inferior products when their lives are hanging in the balance! I do my best to help, but you gotta take responsibility and do your research guys! Ask questions. Is it organic? What solvent was used? How much THC or CBD is in it? Is it indica dominant, or nah? Please stop blindly trusting people with your health. Know what you are putting in your bodies. If it ain't dark, it ain't RSO, if it's not super thick, it's not pure RSO! Get educated, or get ripped off. I love you guys.💓 It saved my life, now I help others get healing using the same methods that saved me!!! 🌱 They shut down my page, but I'm back! They cant stop my mission! Follow me @cannaconsultant1 @melanashealinghelp @melanasmith85 and DM me if you need help. I'm here for you. . . . #RSO #thc #hempoil #naturalhealing #organic #herbs #holistic #herbal #fuckcancer #wellness #alternativemedicine #healing #cannaconsultant #plantbased #survive #plantmedicine #health #awareness #cannabiseducation #ricksimpsonoil #cbd #cancersurvivor #cannabis #cannabisoil #braincancer #lifeaftercancer #inspiration #cannabissavedmylife #positivevibesonly

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