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How to Make Cannabis Oil (RSO) at Home!

Hey everyone! They don’t like when I share this info at all, but It’s not all about money. Profits should never be placed over helping and educating others. Full extract cannabis oil helped save my life from an inoperable Anaplastic Astrocytoma and several other diseases, as well as the lives of countless others, so I do my best to make sure people have the info they need to get this oil, or make it themselves. I am grateful to be able to help people all around the world get natural healing.

What is Full Extract Cannabis Oil AKA Rick Simpson Oil? [Click To Read Article]

If you are purchasing high THC RSO/FECO, please verify that it is a reliable source before purchasing.   You wouldn’t believe how many people contact me after they have been scammed out of a lot of money.  You’d be surprised how many people are pretending to be me to scam people!  Its disgusting, I know, so please be careful!  If you need help sourcing affordable, organic quality oil, contact me, and I’d be happy to assist you. Please, again, beware of scammers, and contact me at so that you can ensure that its legitimately me.

Ingredients to Make RSO/FECO

There are only 2 ingredients required to make RSO. 

1.  Organic Indica Dominant Cannabis

2. Solvent (Organic Ethanol preferred)  

How to Make RSO at Home: Step-by-Step

This step by step info is the true Rick Simpson method of making RSO.  I do not make it the way Rick did as I use organic 200 proof ethanol, a distiller, and a magnetic stirrer/heater to get the cleanest product possible as I deal with extremely ill people. 

Disclaimer Time!

Before we jump in, remember that making RSO involves using solvents
and requires some serious safety measures. We’re talking well-ventilated
areas, no open flames (seriously!), and a big dash of caution. Safety
first, my friends! 😎  Please be careful, and make sure you know your local laws before cooking up a batch of oil. I don’t want you to have any issues!

What You’ll Need:

  • Dried cannabis (preferably an indica dominant strain, for relaxation and healing)
  • Solvent (Like 99% Isopropyl Alcohol or ethanol.
    Rick Simpson recommends pure light naphtha, but ethanol is often
    preferred for health and safety reasons.)
  • Glass mixing bowl
  • Wooden spoon (or anything that won’t react with the solvent)
  • Large, deep baking dish
  • Strainer or cheesecloth
  • Rice cooker (Yes, a rice cooker. We’ll explain!)
  • Plastic syringe (for storing your finished RSO)
  • Fan (optional but highly recommended for ventilation)

Step 1: Get Grinding

Start by breaking up your dried cannabis into smaller pieces. You
don’t need to grind it into a fine powder; just make sure it’s broken up
enough to fit nicely into your mixing bowl.

Step 2: Soak it in Solvent

Pour enough solvent over the cannabis to fully cover it. Use your
spoon to stir the mixture and help release all the cannabinoids and
other goodies from the plant material. This should take about 2-3
minutes. 💪

Step 3: Strain It Out

Next, strain the mixture through cheesecloth or a strainer into your
glass bowl. Don’t waste a drop! You’ll likely need to do this a couple
of times to make sure you’ve squeezed out all the oil-laden solvent.

Step 4: Time to Cook (and Ventilate!)

Here comes the rice cooker magic! Pour the solvent-cannabis mixture
into the rice cooker and set it to low heat. The solvent will start to
evaporate, leaving behind that rich, dark cannabis oil we know as RSO. Important:
You’ll want a fan to blow away fumes, and make sure you’re working in a
ventilated area. Solvent fumes can be flammable, so keep any sparks,
flames, or heat sources far away!

Step 5: The Waiting Game

It will take a bit of time for all the solvent to evaporate, but be
patient. You’ll start to see thick, dark oil forming—this is your RSO!
Once the bubbling subsides, you’ll know the solvent is gone.

Step 6: Final Touch

Once your RSO has cooled slightly, use a plastic syringe to suck up
the oil for easy storage and dosing. Store it in a cool, dark place to
keep its potency intact.

RSO: A Wellness Powerhouse

Whether you’re using RSO for pain management, as part of a cancer
treatment plan, or just to chill out, the benefits are real. And now,
you’ve got the know-how to whip up your own batch at home!

And there you have it! Making RSO is definitely a bit of an
adventure, but the results can be life-changing. Try it out (safely!),
and let us know how it goes! 💚

There are several different methods of making Full Extract Cannabis Oil (FECO) aka Rick Simpson Oil (RSO).  The video below uses a coffee maker, Rick Simpson uses a rice cooker, and I use a magnetic stirrer/heater.

How to Make Full Extract Cannabis Oil FECO aka RSO at Home with a Coffee Maker! Video below.

Want To Use RSO, but don’t want the THC?

If you would like to use RSO, but you can’t or don’t want to use THC,
RSHO is your best best, and it is available in my wellness store. RSHO
is RSO made from hemp.  It is high in CBD, and low in THC which means
you will not get you high, and it will not cause you to fail a drug
test, and it is available in my wellness store. Click Here to Order RSHO.

Order RSHO here!

My website is loaded with information about full extract cannabis oil
(FECO) aka Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) along with testimonials from people
who have used it with successful results!

Click here for RSO Dosing Information

Please share this information with anyone you know who may benefit.

If you or a loved one need help, contact me, or my website and me
and/or my team will be happy to assist you. If you sent a message,
please be patient with me as I get hundreds of messages daily, but am
doing my best to respond ASAP.

I don’t charge anyone for the info that I provide, and answer all
questions for free! I am doing my best to help everyone I can. If I have
helped you, and you are able, and willing, it would be greatly
appreciated if you could donate to my 501c3 non profit, Melana Cares.
Any amount helps! Your donations can be used as a tax write-off and all
proceeds go to help sick people who are struggling with financial
hardships. We help provide natural healing treatments and financial
assistance for people during the hardest times in their lives. Your
donation would not only be giving back, but it can help save lives!!!
Thank you! I love you guys! ♥️

If you would like more info, to donate, or to contact me directly, CLICK HERE.

Happy Healing!

Melana “23” Smith



