Sign language for my deaf clients. I’m super rusty, so forgive me… Ill get better. 🙏🏼 I have been doing so much, and have been so busy that I have neglected taking care of myself… So I am sick for the first time in I don’t know how long. I am taking my RSO and herbs, and essential oils, so I will be better in no time. This was just a valuable lesson for me to get my shit together. I have been slacking on the self care. I have been traveling and drinking, not taking my herbs and eating things that I know are unhealthy while staying up helping as many people as I can almost every day. I know better. This was a wake up call, and I am wide awake. I can’t help other people if I’m not good. I gotta take care of me, and I will. 🙏🏼 All of my videos will now have captions to accomodate the deaf/HH community. I love you guys and nobody should have to miss out. I am here for you if you need me.
Healing health wealth strength wellness flexibility
Healing health wealth strength wellness flexibility