Testimonials and Success Stories of Natural Healing with MelanaWellness

Testimonial Tuesdays! When I was going through my battle with brain cancer, I would spend a lot of time researching success stories. I needed to see them to inspire me and give me hope. I think it’s important to the process, and they helped me tremendoulsly, so here are some for the people who need […]

The Difference CBD vs. THC

A lot people are unfamiliar with the difference between CBD and THC, so hopefully this video helps. If you need help, I am here for you. MelanaWellness.com If you have trouble viewing the video, click HERE.


RSO DOSING FOR BEGINNERS: I tell all of my clients who have never used full extract cannabis oil (RSO), to start with an amount the size of 1/3 of a rice grain, before bed. Why such a small amount? Because it’s very potent. 🔥 It doesnt matter if you smoke everyday, and pop every pill, […]