My heart was in perfect condition before I started taking pharmaceuticals.  After one month of taking them I started getting fatigued from just breathing. My resting heart rate went from 50 -120 bpm. My doctors were scared that I would have a heart attack if I did anything physical and had me wear this holter…

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#MotivationalMonday. This was me 4 years ago… I was sick, miserable, and so frustrated, I didn’t know what to do! My doctors kept prescribing pharmaceuticals and I kept taking them. They were poisoning my body, and only making me worse, but nature came and saved my life! 🙌🏼 Thats why I am so serious about…

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  My heart was in perfect condition before I started taking pharmaceuticals. After one month of taking them I started getting fatigued from just breathing. My resting heart rate went from 50 -120 bpm. My doctors were scared that I would have a heart attack if I did anything physical and had me wear this…

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