The Difference CBD vs. THC

A lot people are unfamiliar with the difference between CBD and THC, so hopefully this video helps. If you need help, I am here for you. If you have trouble viewing the video, click HERE.

GOT RSO?!? – What Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) Did for Me.

Got RSO?!? I do! 🙋🏽‍♀️ It is the ultimate green health supplement! 😊 I will tell you what it personally did for me, and you will understand why am so serious about helping people with it.Cannabis oil (RSO/FECO) IM NOT TALKING ABOUT CBD OIL, THIS IS WHOLE PLANT OIL WITH THC!1. Stopped my seizures – […]

Organic Cannabis Oil (RSO) is for everyone!

Organic RSO!!! I help people get cannabis oil so they can survive!!! It saved my life, and gave me hope, so it’s my mission to help others with this amazing natural medicine! You don’t have to be sick to reap it’s benefits, it’s the ultimate health supplement. And contrary to popular belief, you dont have […]


RSO DOSING FOR BEGINNERS: I tell all of my clients who have never used full extract cannabis oil (RSO), to start with an amount the size of 1/3 of a rice grain, before bed. Why such a small amount? Because it’s very potent. 🔥 It doesnt matter if you smoke everyday, and pop every pill, […]