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Taking Cannabis Oil (RSO) for the First Time? Let’s Take it Together!

I have been taking RSO/FECO since 2016 when I discovered that I had an Anaplastic Astrocytoma.

I was absolutely miserable, and in excruciating pain all day and night. I couldn’t sleep, had daily seizures, absolutely no appetite, and the vomiting was terrible, ugh! 🤮 My body slowly wasted away, and I lost control of my motor functions, and ended up partially paralyzed. I had constant hallucinations and was confused, weak, and unable to do almost everything that I once loved.

First time I took the oil… I didn’t believe in it. I had tried so many things and nothing came close to helping me actually feel better. 🙅🏽‍♀️ The pharmaceuticals just made me worse… And none of the natural remedies worked for me, so I was skeptical.🤔

My friend had a nice amount on a spoon and shoved it in my mouth. Yes, I was force fed the oil 😂 but almost immediately I started to feel its effects. I couldn’t believe it. 🤯 The pain and pressure in my head started to dissipate. Was this relief?! 😁

I started to feel an unfamiliar feeling, and my stomach actually growled. I was hungry!! I couldn’t remember the last time I actually wanted to eat food! But I was scared to eat, because everytime I ate, I would 🤮. My friend assured me that I would be good, and gave me a jar of RSO to take with me. When I asked him how much I should take, so that I would know the appropriate dosing, his response was, “a shit load. Take as much as you can take. The more the better.”

New to RSO/FECO?! Click here for Dosing Info to Help Get You Started.

When I got home I ate, and the food stayed down. 👍🏼 I was so happy and felt so much better. It was the least pain I had been in since…. 🤷🏽‍♀️ That night I had the greatest sleep of all sleeps. 😴 When I woke up I felt better, but the pain was coming back.
I took a spoonful and put myself out of my misery. I slept all day….. And had no seizures! I continued this cycle for a month, until that amount of oil no longer incapacitated me. It was the beginning of my natural healing journey.

This is just part of my story, but do you understand why I am so serious about helping people? I hate that people are suffering when there is natural relief!

If you or a loved one need help, contact me, or my website and me and/or my team will be happy to assist you. If you sent a message, please be patient as I get hundreds of messages daily, but I am doing my best to respond ASAP.

I don’t charge anyone for the info that I provide, and answer all questions for free! I am doing my best to help everyone I can. If I have helped you, and you are able, and willing, it would be greatly appreciated if you could donate to my 501c3 non profit, Melana Cares. Any amount helps! Your donations can be used as a tax write-off and all proceeds go to help sick people who are struggling with financial hardships. We help provide natural healing treatments and financial assistance for people during the hardest times in their lives. Your donation would not only be giving back, but it can help save lives!!! Thank you!

I love you!

If you would like more info, to donate, or to contact me directly, CLICK HERE.

Happy Healing,

Melana “23” Smith

#ricksimpsonoil #melanawellness #dosing
