Healing Naturally: Where to Start
Want to heal naturally, but don’t know where to start? If your answer was yes, that’s totally normal, and nothing to be embarrassed about. Starting your natural healing journey may feel overwhelming, but there is always hope! I am grateful to have been able to successfully help thousands of people (and pets) around the world heal naturally from their ailments using the same methods that saved my life! You have the power to heal, and this is your first step!
First… Breathe and know that everything is okay. Doctors don’t know it all, nor do they have the final say. Don’t ever accept death as an option no matter what you are told. After gathering all of the info, and doing your research, whatever you feel in your heart that you should do as far as treatment is concerned, do it! You got this! ❤️
Proper Nutrition and Diet
🌱 Proper nutrition is key! Processed sugars gotta go! Consume real food only in the least processed form you can handle. As Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food. Below is a link to the nutritional guide I followed. I also have blood type diets available on my website.
The Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide (Vegan Alkaline Diet)
Heal With Herbs
🌱 Next, it’s time to support our bodies to fight and heal. Powerful herbs can help provide our bodies with supplemental nutrition and be plant medicine used for healing to provide our bodies what they have been missing to regain homeostasis. Homeostasis = balance in the body.
Herbs That Helped Me Beat Cancer!
Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) Full Extract Cannabis Oil (FECO)
🌱 When I was sick I took a multitude of pharmaceuticals, and tried every natural remedy that people told me would work. I was desperate for relief, but nothing really helped. It wasn’t until I had a spoon of black, thick oil shoved down my throat (I was such a skeptic that my friend had to literally shove it in my mouth) did I get immediate relief! I couldn’t believe how amazing it was! After it saved my life, and witnessing it do so much good for not just me, but so many others, I believe it to be the GREATEST HEALTH SUPPLEMENT EVER! Click below to learn more info about Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) aka Full Extract Cannabis Oil (FECO).
What is Full Extract Cannabis Oil AKA Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)?
The Melana Wellnesss Store🌱
I got tired of getting overcharged for herbs, especially since I was taking large amounts, so I sourced organic herbs for all types of ailments and made them available in my wellness store at affordable prices. They are the same herbs that I used when I was sick and that I still take today! All of the herbs in my wellness store are 100% legal, and will NOT cause you to fail a drug test or get high. Just type your ailment in the search bar to get a list of recommended products or speak to the chat that is available. 🙏🏼
Don’t Call It A Consultation, It’s The Custom Wellness Plan
🌱 I know how you can wind up with your head spinning when trying to navigate natural healing and figure out what is best for you. With so much information out there, it’s easy to experience information overload and wonder where to even begin. That’s why I created the Custom Wellness Plan (CWP) to simplify the process and give you the personal guidance you need. This personalized plan is tailored to your specific health concerns and goals, offering clear steps along with product recommendations and dosing instructions. It’s the perfect way to start your healing journey with confidence, without the guesswork.
What Is The Custom Wellness Plan
I receive hundreds of messages every day, and while I try my best to respond to everyone, it can take time. But I know that when you’re ready to take charge of your health, you need answers now, so no more having to wait for my email or DM responses to get help! 🙌
I love you, and please never give up no matter how bad things may seem. Nobody said it was easy, but its worth it! Stay strong. You got this! ❤
Happy Healing,
Melana “23” Smith