Blood Type Diet – Type B Overview
By: Michael Lam, MD, MPH
The sturdy and alert Blood Type B individuals are usually able to resist many of the most severe diseases common to modern life, such as heart disease and cancer. In fact, a Type B who carefully follows the recommended diet and prevents undue stress in the body can often bypass severe disease and live a long and healthy life. Type Bs are more prone to immune-system disorders such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
For Type Bs, the biggest factors in weight gain are corn, buckwheat, lentils, peanuts and sesame seeds. These foods have different lectin that affect the efficiency of the metabolic process. The interference of these lectins causes stress to the metabolism, and creates imbalances in the body’s NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) stress response, resulting in fatigue, fluid retention, and hypoglycemia. The gluten lectin in wheat germ and whole wheat products can often trigger sensitivity or reactions and create inflammation and stress in the body, and so also adds to the problems cause by other metabolism-slowing foods in further dysregulating the body’s NEM stress response functions.
It is important to leave off chicken for Type Bs. Chicken contains a Blood Type B agglutinating lectin in its muscle tissue, which attack the bloodstream and potentially lead to strokes and immune disorders. Type Bs thrive on deep-ocean fish, but should avoid all shellfish. The shellfish contain lectins that are disruptive to and causes stress in the Type B system.
Type B is the only blood type that can fully enjoy a variety of dairy foods as their physiology allows them to digest and metabolize the sugars in dairy products without slowdown or stress.
Most nuts and seeds (especially peanuts, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds) are not advised for Type Bs, they contain lectins that interfere with Type B insulin production. Interfering with the metabolic process in this way can have severe consequences not only by disrupting and imbalancing the NEM stress response system, but also in creating long term disruptions to energy metabolism that can manifest later in life as diabetes.
Similarly, wheat is not tolerated well by most Type Bs. They contain a lectin that reuce insulin efficiency and failure to stimulate fat “burning”. Corn and buckwheat are major factors in Type B weight gain, they contribute to a sluggish metabolism, insulin irregularity, fluid retention, and fatigue,span>all effects that create stress for the body and generate further load on the NEM stress response system. Also, Rye contains a lectin that settles in the vascular system, causing blood disorders and potentially strokes.
Fruits and vegetables are generally well tolerated and should be taken generously. However, tomatoes should be completely eliminated from Type B diet. It has lectins that irritate the stomach lining.
The benefits of this kind of diet for those with Blood Type B suggests this blood type may be associated with certain characteristics of the stress response. In general, the body handles and counteracts stress through the neuroendometabolic (NEM) response circuits, functional groups of organs and systems in the body that work in concert to prevent stress from destabilizing the body’s homeostasis and negatively affecting its functions.
There are limits to the human body’s ability to tolerate stress, however, and if the level of stress remains high and overtops the capacity of the NEM circuits, the constituent organs and systems will begin to wear down and malfunction, bringing up unpleasant symptoms of excessive stress.
The Blood Type B diet calls for many foods that help the metabolism to function smoothly, which is very helpful for the metabolic response circuit of the NEM. Ensuring the continued function of metabolic processes in the body is important to avoid the metabolic symptoms of stress including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), weight gain and excessive inflammation. However, it is just as important to ensure the rest of the NEM circuits remain functional and operating smoothly. This entails making sure that excessive levels of stress do not encroach on your daily life. A combination of a proper low stress lifestyle and a diet matching your blood type – in this article specifically referencing Type B – will help to ensure optimal function in the body.
More Information for Blood Type B
Click here to see detailed Type B Food Chart.