Herbs That Helped Me Beat Cancer!

People keep asking me which herbs I used, so here you go! 😊 You can click the link under each picture to take you directly to the product in my wellness store. Remember, during this process, proper nutrition is key! I am not the only person to have success from using these herbs, I have […]

Seizures Gone! Testimonial Tuesday

This is why I do what I do! 🙌🏼  RSO/FECO has done so much for so many! I love sharing testimonials like this one from @iam_erica_chacon on Instagram.  It shows people that it isn’t just me who has received amazing results with this oil. (I haven’t had a seizure in 5+ years, and I was […]


https://youtu.be/nFEPCaxKV7A Happy New Year! The 2023 New Year Sale is in full effect! We have new organic products and even lower prices! Some items in the store have already been discounted with no code needed. Apply promo code 2023 for an additional 23% off select items. Stop by and check it out! Products available while […]

2023 New Year Sale!

https://youtu.be/nFEPCaxKV7A Happy New Year! The 2023 New Year Sale is in full effect! We have new organic products and even lower prices! Some items in the store have already been discounted with no code needed. Apply promo code 2023 for an additional 23% off select items. Stop by and check it out! Products available while […]

What is the Difference Between RSO and RSHO?

What is the difference between R.S.O. and R.S.H.O? (Rick Simpson Oil and Rick Simpson Hemp Oil) Proper name Full Extract Cannabis Oil As a brain cancer survivor who used RSO and CBD daily to help successfully combat an inoperable Anaplastic Astrocytoma along with several other illnesses, this is a topic I hold near and dear […]

This Oil Helped Save my Life! Now I Help Others With It.

So what’s the name of the oil?! 🤷🏽‍♀️ Tiktok won’t allow me to disclose the name of oil that I am taking without removing my videos, but it’s called Full Extract Cannabis oil (FECO) aka Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) . It is available in some dispensaries, you can make it yourself. (I have how to […]

Stop Headaches and Migraines Forever! What the Doctors Won’t Tell You!

You know those migraines that pop up at the worst times and make you turn off all of the lights? The ones that make your eyes tear up from the pain, your appetite go away, make you nauseous or cause you to vomit? Those head pounding, stabbing, shooting or throbbing… whatever combo the universe decides […]

Testimonial Tuesday!

Just because it’s Tuesday! Thank you for sharing with me.  It means more than you know. ❤️ It makes me happy to be able to help people heal naturally! There have been a lot of scammers using my name to scam sick people. Disgusting, I know.  So to be safe, if you need help, please […]

Almost Everything We Know About Nutrition is Wrong! The Food Combining Guide

Did you know that we’re not supposed to eat fruits and veggies together? I didnt. What about protein and starch? Nope! They are improper food combinations, and when you consume them together, it can cause irritation and disease! Sandwiches, burgers and and fries, protein and rice… all wrong! My smoothies often contain strawberries, spinach, kale, […]

Acupuncture and Chinese Traditional Medicine are Changing my Life!

If video doesn’t play, click HERE. Acupuncture and Chinese Traditional Medicine are changing my life!!! 🙌🏼 I started a month ago after dealing with some hormonal issues that I nor Western medicine had absolutely any answers for. I learned from my first visit that I have had a kidney issue since birth and it has […]