RSO and Endometriosis (Testimonial)

If you have a story, share it! . Two weeks taking RSO for my endometriosis and ovarian cysts ….you can do this naturally, ladies. You can heal yourselves. First photo is the day before i got my rso in. The last photo is actually not even a full two weeks after. It’s a week and […]

How Cannabis Destroys Cancer Cells While Leaving Healthy Cells Alone

Cannabis oil (RSO) killed my brain tumor within 9 months of starting the treatment of taking a minimum of 1 gram per day. My doctors told me it wasnt a real treatment, and I would die… but look at me, still livin and shit! I am cancer free, and doing great! If I would have […]

1 Gram of RSO for Pain, Spasticity, & Sleep

This is 1g/ml of organic Rick Simpson oil (RSO) taken at once. I needed serious relief from the pain and muscle spasticity, and I got it. 😊 I was actually able to sleep through the night, and woke up this morning looser, with very little pain. 👍🏼 Brain cancer caused me to lose a lot […]

Brain Cancer & RSO (Testimonial)

RSO for the win, again! I love good news! Thank you for sharing! 🙏🏼 Happy birthday Jamie, and Happy Holidays! 🎉🎊

Pain Free Since Starting RSO (Testimonial)

I just found a bunch of awesome testimonials on my Facebook page! How did I miss em?!? I’m just glad that I am able to help people get natural relief! #winning Click here to visit The Canna Consultant Facebook Page

Psoriasis, Arthritis, Acne & Insomnia Relief (Testimonial)

A few people have recently messaged me about psoriasis so I thought this might help. 😉 I love when you guys share your success with me and others! Thank you @johnandbilly21 your story helps helps more people than you can imagine. 🙏🏼 RSO is for everyone, and it’s not just for cancer… it’s for just […]

RSO & Parkinson’s: Client Testimonial

RSO for the win, again! 🙌🏼 I titled this RSO and Parkinson’s to get the attention of people who are suffering from tremors, but my client also experienced relief from anxiety, and pain as well. 😁 (I haven’t seen Parkinson’s patients get full relief from tremors without using THC. It takes more than CBD) I […]

Allergies & RSO

People get a lot of bonus results from their RSO. 😉 The disappearing of allergies is one, and this is why. Cannabis—a Lower-Risk Allergy Treatment You’ve probably heard of the cannabis compounds, or cannabinoids, cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). These cannabinoids help balance the body’s immune and cognitive systems, among other things. Both CBD and […]

How to Melt Down RSO And Put it in Syringes!

I keep getting emails and messages from people asking me how to melt their RSO to put in syringes… So here you go! 1. Boil water 2. Turn the heat off 3. Remove the lid from the container of RSO and place it in the water. (Do not let water get into the oil) 4. […]