Stop Headaches and Migraines Forever! What the Doctors Won’t Tell You!

You know those migraines that pop up at the worst times and make you turn off all of the lights? The ones that make your eyes tear up from the pain, your appetite go away, make you nauseous or cause you to vomit? Those head pounding, stabbing, shooting or throbbing… whatever combo the universe decides […]

3 Major Health Benefits of Cannabis

1. Migraine relief, check✔ No more Triptans, Botox, other meds for me. Cannabis oil (RSO) gave ne relief that nothing else could. 2. Slowing tumor growth, double check!✔✔ Not only did it slow the growth of my aggressive, inoperable Anaplastic Astrocytoma, but it killed it completely within 9 months with no chemo or radiation.🙅🏽‍♀️ 3. […]

Pain, Insomnia, and Migraines, GONE! Client Testimonial

More good news! Pain, migraines, and insomnia, GONE! Thank you for sharing your success stories with me, and for trusting me with your health. It makes me so happy, and I am so glad I can help! To say I am thankful would be an understatement. 🙏🏼 If you need help, I am here for […]

Steroid Shots in my Head… The Desperation continued.

I used to do shit like this, just desperate for relief. The doctor said I should do it, so I did. That’s why I don’t judge anyone for taking pharmaceuticals because I too have been there. We know that most pharmaceuticals aren’t good for us and that they destroy our bodies, yet we pop every […]