A lot of you have been asking, and I am currently on hiatus from phone consultations because, just keeping it real… I got overwhelmed. I am human, and as much as I want to help as many people as possible, I am still navigating this thing called life. But in the meantime while I figure things out, I thought it would be a great idea to share my past consultations with you. Now you can use them for yourself, or share them with someone you know who needs this help. You wanted specific info from me for your specific ailments… well here you go!!!!
First up, Breast Cancer ( Early Stage w/ Radiation) THC Requested. Remember, I have several different Breast Cancer Consultations that I will be posting. Some people don’t want to use THC, others have different symptoms, but each consultation is unique to the person.
Age :47
Breast Cancer
Radiation: Yes
Blood Type: O- THC: Yes
Referred by —- past BC consult (success)
Client has no symptoms and lives an active, healthy lifestyle (for the most part) She was diagnosed with breast cancer a month prior, and caught it early, and did with some radiation. She refuses chemo. She isn’t worried, but wanted to do what she could on her end for her healing. She is open to and would like to use THC. Her prior experience with cannabis was smoking in her teens, and she hasn’t touched it since. After her friend had a consultation with me for the same ailment and had a successful end result, she was inspired to reach out to me for help. Below is the follow up email from our phone consultation.
It was great speaking with you! Here is the information from our conversation, if I forgot anything, please let me know.
Here are the recommended products and dosages. All of these products are safe to use continuously. Click the product name to take you directly to the product in my wellness store.
C-1 Take 1-2 capsules in the AM and 1-2 capsules at night to help with cancer cells.
Freed-om Take 1-2 capsules in the AM and 1-2 capsules at night in conjunction with C-1.
CBD 1200 mg – Recommended CBD for use in conjunction with RSO. One full dropper 3 times a day. This is good to help reduce the swelling and inflammation throughout the body. This will not cause a high effect as it has 0.3% THC.
RSHO – Take 0.1 mg in the AM and and at Lunch. It is a great daytime supplement in conjunction with your RSO/FECO.
Recommended RSO/FECO: I want you to try the Black Diamond RSO, or see which you like better between the different RSO’s. Like I said, everyone’s body is different, so you have to see which works best for you.
Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is what is used to kill many tumors, heal disease, ease pain, and its the reason why I am alive and cancer free today. RSO with THC is not available on my site, but if you are interested in purchasing it, organic RSO is available for pickup in Los Angeles for $25 a gram.
If you need it shipped to you, please contact — (email me) and you will receive instructions on how to proceed. I refer people to —– for shipping because they are a trusted organization that has safely provided organic, quality oil to many of my clients around the world so they can get the healing they need. THEY SHIP ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!
Other TRUSTED sources: *—– *—–
My BLOG is a great resource about RSO with so many testimonials from people who have received healing at www.MelanaWellness.com
Dosing: Like we discussed, start off with the 1/3 of a grain of rice orally before bed and increase accordingly. Suppositories are good for administration during the day to avoid any high feeling effects.
Please click here to visit my blog for detailed dosing instructions . Remember you can increase the dosage as you see fit. Don’t force it! With time comes tolerance and healing.
Suppositories are also an excellent way to administer RSO. They have an 80% absorbtion rate, and bypass the liver meaning NO HIGH! (Just make sure you don’t push it up too far!)
Suppository instructions:
How to Make RSO Suppositories at Home VIDEO
Nutrition is key! Refrain from using processed sugar as much as possible. Completely would be best! Feel free to eat organic eggs and salmon, etc if you are having a hard time since vitamin B-12 is not naturally occurring in plants. Here is Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide. Best wishes!!!! It ain’t easy, but it’ll be worth it.
Click Here for the Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide
Here is information about eating for O Blood Type:
Thank you for reaching out to me. Your trust and wellness means everything to me. You shouldn’t have to suffer when there is natural relief! I look forward to assisting you in your healing journey. Please keep me updated.