Did you know that we’re not supposed to eat fruits and veggies together? I didnt. What about protein and starch? Nope! They are improper food combinations, and when you consume them together, it can cause irritation and disease! Sandwiches, burgers and and fries, protein and rice… all wrong! My smoothies often contain strawberries, spinach, kale,…
Hey! Its Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and a lot of people have been contacting me, and asking for guidance with breast cancer. Thanks to you guys spreading the word, I have been successfully assisted countless people in their healing, and I have no plans to stop any time soon! So, to answer as many people…
Blood Type and Your Health Do you know your blood type? If you aren’t sure, don’t feel bad. Most of us haven’t been educated about our blood types and the significance it has on our overall health. When I was going through my battle with different chronic illnesses, I tried everything natural I could think…
Blood Type Diet – Type O Overview By: Michael Lam, MD, MPH Type Os thrive on intense physical exercise and animal protein. Unlike the other blood types, Type Os muscle tissue should be slightly on the acid side. Type Os can efficiently digest and metabolize meat because they tend to have high stomach-acid content. The success of the…
Blood Type Diet – Type O Diet Chart By: Michael Lam, MD, MPH Your Blood Type Diet Chart Type O blood often signifies a physiology which is uniquely suited to processing animal proteins. As a result of this efficiency, the optimal diet for those with Type O blood features a lot of meat, poultry, and seafood….
Blood Type Diet. Type AB Overview: Multiple antigens make people with blood type AB sometimes behave A-like with weak stomach acid, and sometimes B-like with genetically programmed for the consumption of meats. It can be tricky to find the right balance of animal protein that will not create extra stress and cause dysfunction the the body’s…
Blood Type Diet – Type AB Diet Chart By: Michael Lam, MD, MPH Your AB Blood Type Diet Chart Those with Type AB blood have a unique physiology that inherits characteristics of both Type A blood and Type B blood physiologies. This means they face some particular challenges in taking proper care of their bodies and…
Blood Type Diet – Type B Overview By: Michael Lam, MD, MPH The sturdy and alert Blood Type B individuals are usually able to resist many of the most severe diseases common to modern life, such as heart disease and cancer. In fact, a Type B who carefully follows the recommended diet and prevents undue…
Your Blood Type Diet Chart Blood type is an important indicator of our body’s physiology and can tell us how to best take care of it. Those with Type B blood often have a hearty constitution and have an advantage fighting against some common debilitating conditions such as heart disease or cancer. On the other…